Who is Jason Dement?

Current News - 25 April 2013

Today's Update: Not much new. After struggling all day and visiting nearly every phone shop in the city with no luck, my American friend in Turkey came to the rescue with a 7 year old Nokia phone and 5 phone shops later, finally someone who would sell me a prepaid calling card so that I can communicate with my attorney and other points of contact here in the country. Who knew it would be so difficult to get a phone, even a prepaid one. In Germany, for 20 euro you can get a new cheapy phone with some prepaid time on it. Here, phones are way overpriced and you have to use your passport and get lucky in order to get a sim card. Today wore me down to the bone and that's the only thing that was accomplished.
I'm all packed up. Tomorrow I have to bus across town to the next hotel. It's booked for 2 weeks. I hope that's all I need it for.


  1. still following your situation; still praying for God's rest in your mind and peace in your heart as you continue to put one foot in front of the other. still praising God for the American friend in Turkey! hang in there, friend. :) Rebecca
